Welcome to the adventures of a Delta Brat.
I was blessed to be born into a family obsessed with travel. When my grandfather got a job out of university, he started working for Delta. And while I’m not sponsored (although if Delta WANTS to reach out, I wouldn’t be upset), I will sing their praises because that job allowed us to explore the world. My family is really intense about their travel and loves to compare travel points and packing tactics and all of this made me who I am today.
When I graduated from university, I got a job that allowed me to travel all over the world and truly solidified by love of travel. I learned how to travel carry-on only, the best way to use compression packing cubes, and points hacking. I also accumulated a lot of fun knowledge about a lot of cool places. After many questions about packing and trip itineraries, I figured it was about damn time. So welcome to my blog!